a device for turning coffee into software
I was thinking about class naming strategies recently and decided to make a list of commonly used suffixes for Java classes. While this post is more about idioms than patterns, compiling this list sent me back to 1995 (Design Patterns).

Access, Action, Adapter, Advisor, Aware
Base, Bean, Binding, Buffer, Builder
Cache, Callback, Changer, Checker, Child, Chooser, Collector, Constants, Context, Connector, Constants, Consumer, Container, Control, Controller, Converter
Data, Decoder, Default, Delegate, Descriptor
Editor, Element, Encoder, Entry, EntryPoint, Entity, Event, Expression, Extractor
Factory, Filter, Finder, Format, Function
Handler, Helper, Hints,Holder
Impl, Info, Input, Interceptor, Item
Key, Kind
List, Listener
Manager, Map, Marshaller, Mapper, Matcher, Member, Message, Mode, Model, Module
Node, Notification
Object, Operation, Output
Parameters, Permission, Policy, Populator, Processor, Producer, Provider, Properties, Proxy
Reader, Record, Reference, Renderer, Request, Response, Resolver, Resource, Result, Retriever
Selector, Source, Service, Spec, Standard, Strategy, Stream, Stub, Support
Template, Translator, Type
Unmarshaller, Utils
Value, Verifier, Validator, View
Wrapper, Writer

Please add your own favorites in the comments.